Sending #24
Why The Bible For Today--A New Revision (January, 2000)
By Pastor D. A. Waite (Th.D., Ph.D.)
January 27, 2020
From The Bible For Today Baptist Church
900 Park Avenue, Collingsood, NJ 08108
Founded & Directed by
Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
At 900 Park Avenue
Collingswood, New Jersey 08108
Phones: 856-261-9018 (Pastor Waite’s Cell) or 856-852-4452 (Office phone)FAX: 856-854-2464; Orders: 1-800-JOHN 109
BFT #168
1. The BFT Purpose
The over-arching purpose of The Bible For Today is to proclaim and to defend the principles of the Bible (Philippians 1:7). I believe the Bible is plenarily and verbally inspired of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and consequently inerrant and infallible! I believe the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words underlying the King James Bible have been verbally preserved by God. I believe the King James Bible is the most accurate English translation of those original language Words. I feel that Biblical principles must not only be proclaimed positively, but also defended against all infiltration of anti-Biblical heresies or aberrations.
The symbol of The Bible For Today contains a shield, a sword and the Word of God. This symbol centers around an open Bible. The principles of the Bible form the foundation of The Bible For Today, Incorporated. The shield pictures "the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked" (Ephesians 6:16). On the left of the shield, the darkness is seen encroaching. On the right of the shield, the light is controlling. Down the center of the shield is a sword, representing "the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God" (Ephesians 6:17). It is the Spirit's "Sword" of "the Word of God" which pierces and divides (Hebrews 4:12) between the light of Christ and the darkness of this world.
2. The BFT Person
Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D., is the Founder, President and Director of The Bible For Today. He has been a student of the Scriptures since 1945. He majored in New Testament Literature, Greek Exegesis, and Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary (1948-53). The false Westcott-Hort Greek text was used in this seminary. Though furher research and study, he switched to the true and proper New Testament Textus Receptus Greek in 1971.
Since observing the dangerous trends of Neo-Evangelicalism from his early Pastoral ministry in the greater Boston area until the present day, Dr. Waite has become keenly aware of this growing and compromising position illustrated in his many studies on this subject.
3. The BFT Progression
In February, 1965, while a Pastor in Newton, Massachusetts, Pastor Waite felt led of the Lord to begin The Bible For Today Incorporated, which, at that time, consisted only of a radio broadcast heard over WRIB in Providence, Rhode Island, and WSOL, Tampa, Florida.
Today, The Bible For Today Baptist Church, in Collingswood, New Jersey, pastored by Dr. D. A. Waite, is proclaiming his verse-by-verse sermons on Bible books, and inter-active verse-by-verse Bible Studies over the Internet which can be heard all around the world. The Internet address is: This enables us to defend traditional Bible texts and give the clear gospel for those in need of salvation and then, building up of their “faith” which was “once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 1:3).
On April 11, 1966, The Bible For Today was duly incorporated as a nonprofit, tax exempt, Baptist organization under the laws of the State of New Jersey. In a letter dated September 12, 1966, from the U. S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service, District Director, Newark, New Jersey, to THE BIBLE, FOR TODAY, the federal government officially informed us:
". . . we have concluded that you are exempt from Federal income tax as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. . . . Contributions made to you are DEDUCTIBLE BY DONORS as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to or for your use are DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT TAX PURPOSES under the provisions of section 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Code. . . . This is a determination letter."
The Bible For Today is listed in the 600-page "Cumulative List of Organizations in the U.S.A. as Described in Section 170©" dated December 31, 1968, on page 62, and in subsequent editions of this government document. All contributions to The Bible For Today are tax deductible and are acknowledged by a numbered receipt.
4. The BFT Projects
To date, Dr. Waite is the author of over 956 studies, books, audio and/or video cassettes on various subjects of significance to Bible-believing Christians including the entire verse-by-verse Bible books from Romans through Revelation. The number of materials is continually growing due to his research, speaking, and writing. Since 1971, he has written and spoken in many churches on the fourfold superiority of the King James Bible. The Bible For Today carries over 1,000 titles on this subject alone. This theme is summarized in Dr. Waite's 360-page hardback book entitled Defending the King James Bible--a Four Fold Superiority. (It is B.F.T. #1594-P for a gift to BFT of $12.00+S&H). Two other books include Foes of the King James Bible Refuted (B.F.T. #2777 @ $9.00+S&H) and The Case for the King James Bible--A Summary of the Evidence and Argument (B.F.T. #83 @ $7.00+S&H). [These studies, in addition to materials from other writers and speakers, (presently total over 2,800 titles) are all available through The Bible For Today. Write for our Catalog of Publications.]
Throughout the years, Dr. Waite has appeared on dozens of radio and TV broadcasts, talk shows, debates, and call-in and interview programs, debating with various religious and lay leaders and exposing the apostasy in the National Council of Churches as well as the inroads which the International Communist Conspiracy has made in our churches and national life generally. Dr. Waite also wrote the scripts for, directed, and appeared in most of the NBC-TV network telecasts as either Chairman or Director of the Radio & Audio-Film Commission of the American Council of Christian Churches for the six years of 1966 through 1971.
Recently, in the 1990's, Dr. Waite has appeared on The Southwest Radio Church network with Pastor Noah Hutchings; “Let's Go Visiting” with Barbara Egan; “the Paw Creek Ministries Radio Broadcast network” with Dr. Joseph Chambers; “Radio WKDN Family Radio” with McDonald Martin; and many other radio programs.
5. The BFT Program
Dr. D. A. Waite represents] The Bible For Today in rallies, on the public platform, in churches as special speaker, as pulpit supply, on radio and TV programs, on audio and video cassettes, and in schools and educational institutions. He also directs the over-all BFT outreach in development and production of any radio broadcasts, audio-visuals, tapes of important meetings, reports of such meetings, and any other activities necessary.
(1) He defends the King James Bible and its underlying Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts.
(2) He defends the Biblical position on the Blood of Christ and exposes the heresies on this point as represented by John MacArthur and his many followers, both overt and covert.
(3) He defends the position that Christ possessed all of the attributes of Deity while on earth and exposes those who deny this truth.
(4) He teaches and preaches the Bible in an expository verse-by-verse fashion whenever called upon.
(5) He reads the Bible, by audio cassette on at least two radio stations daily.
(6) He preaches and supplies church pulpits, when asked, in many states of the union, and in other countries such as Canada, West Africa, and Singapore.
(7) He holds seminars defending the King James Bible and its texts in various churches as well as holding summer seminars in his BFT headquarters.
(8) He researches and writes books and booklets in all of the above areas.
(9) He teaches weekly home Bible studies since 1978.
(10) He combats the left-wing extremism and apostasy of the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.
(11) He exposes the middle-of-the-road compromises and softness of the National Association of Evangelicals, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the Promise Keepers, and similar groups and individuals.
(12) He sets forth positively and always, on every issue and doctrine, the Biblical position for today in the defense and proclamation of the Biblical Christian Faith.
(13) He deals with matters that have to do with our U.S. Constitutional Freedoms, showing the Biblical errors in the encroachments of socialism and the godless, atheistic, criminal International Communist Conspiracy which, though its name has been changed in some quarters, is still very much alive.
6. The BFT Preparation
Dr. Waite was born in Elyria, Ohio, in 1927; graduated from Berea High School, Berea, Ohio, in 1945, as salutatorian; received the Bachelor of Arts degree (A.B.) from the University of Michigan, with a major in classical Greek and Latin in 1948; received the Master of Theology degree (Th.M.), with high honors, as valedictorian, from the Dallas Theological Seminary, with a major in New Testament Greek Literature and Exegesis, in 1952. His Thesis was entitled: "Ephesians 2:1-10 in The Greek Text." He received the Master of Arts degree (M.A.) from the Southern Methodist University, with a major in Speech in 1953. His Thesis was entitled: "The Speech and Homiletics Program At 117 Protestant Theological Seminaries In The United States." He received the Doctor of Theology degree (Th.D.), with honors, from the Dallas Theological Seminary, with a major in Bible Exposition, in 1955. His Dissertation was entitled: "An Exegetical Exposition of the Epistle of Paul to Titus." He received the Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph. D.) from Purdue University, with a major in Speech, in 1961. His Dissertation was entitled: "The Evangelistic Speaking of Billy Graham--The First Decade, 1949-1959."
7. The BFT Pedagogy
Dr. Waite taught at the following institutions:
(1) the Southern Bible Training School for Negroes, in Dallas, Texas, during 1950-53;
(2) the Dallas Bible Institute, in Dallas, Texas, in 1952-53; as Professor of Greek and Speech:
(3) the Cedarville Baptist College, Cedarville, Ohio, in 1953-54;
(4) as graduate teaching assistant at the Department of Speech in Purdue University, in Lafayette, Indiana, in 1954-56;
(5) Instructor in Speech, at the University of Maryland, Far East Extension Department, in Okinawa, in 1958, part time, while stationed with the Third Marine Division.
(6) as Visiting Professor of Speech and Debate at Shelton College, in Ringwood, New Jersey in 1962-63;
(7) as Professor of Greek and Speech at Shelton Collage, in Cape May, New Jersey, from 1965-68; (8) as a substitute teacher in many subject areas, in elementary schools, junior high schools, and high
schools in Philadelphia, from January through June, 1970;
(9) as a permanent teacher of English and Language Arts, in Junior and Senior High Schools, in the School District of Philadelphia from September, 1970, to June, 1989; and
(10) teaching numerous courses for the American Red Cross as a Water Safety Instructor, both in military service, and civilian life, beginning in 1950.
8. The BFT Present
Currently Dr. Waite serves as President and Director of The Bible For Today, Incorporated which was completely re-organized in April, 1971, to include many new facets of the ministries such as the BFT NEWSREPORT, the BFT UPDATE, booklets, hard and soft back books, research reports, weekly and daily radio broadcasts, The Tribute to Fanny Crosby, The Portrait of Frances Havergal, and From the Tent Door, and the BFT Web Page. He is one of the founders, and has served as President of THE DEAN BURGON SOCIETY since 1978.
9. The BFT Purposes
In the "Certificate of Incorporation," some of the purposes of The Bible For Today are:
1. "To produce, tape, distribute, and otherwise deal with a radio religious broadcast maintained in the interest of promoting the principles of Biblical Christianity."
2. "To apply Biblical Christian principles to the current problems of local, state, national, or international interest."
3. "To acquire, print, publish, and distribute to the broadcast listeners and other friends, literature and materials which promote the principles of Biblical Christianity, and which apply these Biblical principles to current problems."
These purposes are broad ones. As the Lord provides the funds, the opportunities, the wisdom, and the personnel, The Bible For Today intends to make use of each and every one of these purposes for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the defense and proclamation of His infallible, inerrant Bible! A "Catalog of Publications" is available upon request. At present, it contains about 2,900 titles.
10. The BFT Positions
The Bible For Today is a Bible-believing, fundamentalist, separatist, Baptist organization. The following doctrinal positions are covered in the "BFT Articles of Faith."
1. The Bible:
a. Its Inspiration and Inerrancy;
b. Its Supreme Standard;
c. Its Preservation;
d. Its Proper Original Language Texts;
e. Its Faithful English Translation;
(1) The Superiority of The King James Bible;
(2) The Use of The King James Bible.
2. The Biblical Dispensations:
a. Definition;
b. Not Ways of Salvation;
c. Salvation by The Blood of Christ;
d. Salvation By Faith.
3. The Triune God.
4. The Lord Jesus Christ
a. His Virgin Birth.
b. His Person.
b. His Blood.
c. His Blood Atonement.
c. His Bodily Resurrection.,
d. His Bodily Ascension
e. His High Priestly Work
d. His Bodily Return
5. God the Holy Spirit
a. His Person and Presence
b. His Ministries
c. His Temporary Gifts
d. His Counterfeit
6. The Creation of the Universe.
7. The Creation and Fall of Man.
8. The Christian's Two Natures.
9. The Christian's Service.
10. Satan and Fallen and Unfallen Angels:
a. Satan's Creation and Fall;
b. Satan's Influences;
c. Satan's Judgment;
d. Unfallen Angels;
e. Man Lower Than The Angels.
11. The Fall of Man.
12. The Righteous and the Wicked.
13. Salvation Only Through Christ:
a. The Basis of Salvation;
b. The Means of Salvation;
c. The Reception of Salvation.
14. The New Birth:
a. The Definition of The New Birth;
b. The Results of The New Birth.
15. Justification.
16. Sanctification.
17. The Eternal Security of the Believers.
18. The Assurance of the Believers.
19. The Church:
a. Definition of The Church;
b. Beginning of The Church.
20. The Church's Great Commission.
21. The Church's Two Ordinances: Baptism and the Lord's Supper:
a. Baptism;
b. The Lord's Supper.
22. Civil Government.
23. Israel.
24. The Rapture--the Blessed Hope.
25. The Tribulation.
26. The Second Coming of Christ.
27 The Eternal State.
[The twenty-four page booklet, "The Bible For Today Articles of Faith" is available upon request as B.F.T. #1871]
11. The BFT Persuasion
In this present climate of Bible versions and perversions which have used inferior Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words, inferior translators, inferior translation techniques, and inferior theology, the "Grand Old Version," the King James Bible, (accurately translated from the original, preserved Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words, must be restored to its rightful throne as King of the Versions, and the ONLY, true, English Bible.
In this day, when Biblical principles are being constantly attacked by the religious apostasy represented in the National Council of Churches or the World Council of Churches, there is a need for a clear trumpet call.
In this hour of religious compromise magnified by the Neo-Evangelicalism of the National Association of Evangelicals, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and the growing influence of the Promise Keepers, a watchman must point to the old paths and the good way.
In this era of once Fundamentalists who have departed from a sound faith in and use of the King James Bible, there is great need to minister the truth about the Bible and seek to get people back to their former true positions that they once believed and practiced.
In this age of political liberalism, socialism and communism which leads to economic and political bondage, a tower and a fortress must be erected among God’s people that they may know the pitfalls of these ways, and be able to test their errors against the Biblical standards.
Amid the "TODAY" of a busy, hell-bound world, there stands, as in the days of old, "THE BIBLE"! It is this BIBLE which ever endures; and it is this BIBLE which must ever be the "critic" (Hebrews 4:12) or "judge" of what is genuine "darkness" and what is genuine "light." (Ephesians 5:11)
12. The BFT Personnel
Dr. Waite and Mrs. Waite have lived in Collingswood, New Jersey since 1965. He and his wife, Yvonne, have been married since 1948. They have four sons, one daughter, and at present eight grandchildren. He is available for all types of meetings such as pulpit supply, special speaker, at summer camps, Bible conferences, King James Seminars, at Christian high schools, colleges, and seminaries, or for radio or TV interviews representing The Bible For Today and our separatist, Bible-believing causes.
To get in touch with Dr. Waite, please write, phone or FAX him as listed below. He welcomes your telephone questions, but due to time and staff limitations, he is unable to answer detailed questions in writing
13. The BFT Preacher and Teacher
On April 5, 1953, Dr. Waite was ordained into the Gospel ministry by the Berea Baptist Church, Berea, Ohio. He was commissioned in 1954, as a Navy Chaplain in the U. S. Naval Reserve with the ecclesiastical endorsement of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches through the American Council of Christian Churches. He received orders to active duty as a Navy Chaplain from 1956 to 1961, serving for about one year at the Marine Corps Air Station, Miami, Florida; serving for about one year with the Third Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, on Okinawa; serving for about one year with the Military Sea Transportation Service, Atlantic Area, out of Brooklyn, New York; and serving for about two years at the Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas.
In 1949-50, while a seminary student, Dr. Waite was Interim Pastor of the Hampton Road Mexican Baptist Mission in Dallas, Texas, preaching and teaching in Spanish. While on active naval duty, he was called as Pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church of Newton, Massachusetts, serving from March 15 through October 29, 1961, at which time he founded and became the first Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Newton, Massachusetts.
In February, 1965, he founded The Bible For Today ministry, and has continued as its President and Director unto the present time. From April 15, 1965, to August 1, 1968, Dr. Waite was the Associate of Dr.
Carl McIntire for the 20th Century Reformation Hour Broadcast, as well as being Professor of Greek and Speech at Shelton College, then located in Cape May, New Jersey. From August 1, 1968, to April 1, 1971, he served both as Chairman and Director of the Radio & Audio Film Commission of the American Council of Christian Churches.
14. The BFT Preacher’s Pre-Christian Life
Until he was 16 years old, as a high school senior, Dr. Waite was brought up without knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as His Lord and Saviour. His mother attended the local Methodist Church and made her son attend it as well. At that time, it was an apostate Methodist church, so the true Biblical gospel was never preached or taught. His mother said that he could go the Sunday School hour if he preferred. So he went there for some time as well, but did not hear a clear presentation of how to become a Biblical Christian from this teacher.
Here’s how Dr. Waite became a true Bible-believing Christian. He first heard the true Biblical way to become a genuine Christian from his high school janitor who had become a true Christian after over 30 years as an alcoholic. Here’s how it happened (in my own words):
I was with two of my fellow senior high school students eating lunch in the music room. I went out in the hall to get a drink. Out there was a man whose name was Uncle Charlie Allen. He was the high school janitor. He was sweeping the floor. We three had been talking about the stars and the planets and how they all got up
there. I asked Uncle Charlie that question, “How did all these stars get made and put up in the sky? Who made
them and put them there?” He gave me a two word, answer: “I know.” “God made them all and put them in their places.”
I wanted to know what else he knew, so I went down the basement into his boiler room and we talked. Among other things he told me various Bible verses he used. He quoted a verse from the Bible to me which says: “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up.” When the Israelites had been bitten by serpents, Moses told them that if they only looked on that serpent of brass on the pole, they would be healed. In like manner, the Lord Jesus said, if anyone would look, in genuine faith and truly believe in Him (the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour Who was lifted up on cross at Calvary dying for all sins, they could receive everlasting life and be saved from from eternal death in Hell. I could understand that. Then I truly believed in and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Uncle Charlie gave me many other verses from the Bible and followed up with me for many months after that time, writing to me in his beautiful calligraphy. He gave me a beautiful King James Bible which I still have. This is how I became a genuine Christian.
One day, at Berea High School, I was putting that Bible into my locker when I met my first real Christian lady who later became my wife. Her name was Yvonne Sanborn. She asked me, “Where did you get that Bible”? I told her I got it from Uncle Charlie. She knew that Uncle Charlie was a true Christian, so she asked me if I was now a genuine Christian who was born-again and saved. I said yes, I was. I began going to the church she attended, the Berea Baptist Church, where Pastor Earl Willetts always preached clearly from the Bible in every service.
After I graduated from high school, my father sent me to the University of Michigan, his former school. I planned on studying to become a doctor. After being there a few months, through something that happened, the Lord called me into His ministry, causing me to change my major from pre-medical to pre-theological, majoring in Classical Greek and Latin. I went summers and winters, so I could I finish my Bachelor of Arts degree in three years instead of four, and marry Yvonne Sanborn as my wife. After she finished Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, we went together to the Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, where I could study Bible, Greek, Hebrew, Theology, English Bible, Church History, Homiletics, and many other studies to prepare me for the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, wherever He might place me all around the world. My teacher in theology for the first four years was Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, the Founder of the school, and a great teacher and great man of God.
15. The BFT’s
Many Publications
Here is the LINK to BFT’s many materials
Here is the LINK to BFT’s Articles Of Faith (
Here is the LINK to BFT’s 89-page BFT’s Catalog.
Here is a LINK to the Sermons of Pastor D. A. Waite from the Bible For Today Baptist Church,_Th.D.,_Ph.D.
BFT #168
For more information about the Bible For Today ministries, please phone, write, or FAX us as indicated below.
Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D., The Bible For Today 900 Park Avenue, Collingswood, New Jersey 08108; Phones: 856-261-9018 (Cell) or 856-852-4452 (Office); FAX: 856-854-2464
e-mail:; Orders: 1-800-JOHN 109
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