Sending #25
How I Came To Defend The KJB & Its Underlying Hebrew, Aramaic, & Greek
By Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
June 8, 2020
I. My Early Days
I was born on December 8,1927, in Elyria, Ohio, to Virgil and Helen Waite. Virgil was a skilled and prosperous Chemical Engineer with the McGean Chemical Company. He was a graduate of the University of Michigan with a major in Chemical engineering. While I was in kindergarten, we moved to Berea, Ohio. My sister, Dorothy, was born two years before me in Elyria, Ohio. My younger sister, Ann, was born about six years afterwards in Berea, Ohio. Grandpa Stanley Waite was a member of the Board of Elections in Elyria, Ohio, and Grandpa Albert Peirce was a roofer in Wellington, Ohio, and also active in the Salvation Army there.
II. The Berea, Ohio, High School
A. Meeting The High School Janitor, "Uncle Charley" Allen. I attended kindergarten, elementary school and high school in Ohio. One day, in Berea High School, three of us seniors were eating our lunch in the music room on the first floor. During lunch one day, I went out in the hall to get a drink. We had been talking about creation and how the world came into being. When I went out into the hall, the janitor was sweeping the floor. His name was Mr. Charles Allen, but everyone called him
"Uncle Charlie." So I asked him about what we three were talking about. I asked him, “Uncle Charlie, how did the world and all the stars get here?” He looked down at me, smiled, and replied in just two words to me: “I know.”
B. Becoming A Genuine Christian.
When this Christian janitor had the answer to my question, I thought I would go down to the school boiler room to Uncle Charlie’s office, and find out some other things he knew about. He told me in detail how God created the Heaven, the earth, and all the stars. He also told me, for the first time I had ever heard it, the verse from the Gospel of John, Chapter three and verse sixteen:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
I believed that verse and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Uncle Charlie continued to teach me more about the Bible and its important doctrines. He gave me a leather-bound King James Bible so I could read it and learn more about God’s truths.
C. Meeting My Wife-to-be.
When I received the Bible from Uncle Charlie, I took it to my locker to put it away. While I was putting it away, Yvonne Sanborn was at her locker a short distance from mine. She saw me putting my Bible into my locker and asked, “Where did you get that Bible?” I told her: “Uncle Charlie gave it to me. I am his first.” (meaning the first person he had ever led to Christ). She knew that Uncle Charlie was a genuine Christian, so she asked, “Are you born again and saved?" I said “Yes, I am.” From that day, we began to go with one another. . . dating,walking down the aisle together at graduation, and in other ways. She invited me to her mother’s weekly Bible classes for young people held in her home. Yvonne also invited me to attend her Bible-believing Berea Baptist Church where I became a regular member from that time forward.
III. Leaving Berea, Ohio
A. Attending The University Of Michigan At Ann Arbor.
My Dad was a graduate of the University of Michigan with a Chemical Engineering degree. He thought it would be good for me to be trained at that University where he was trained, so he sent me there. Since I wanted to marry Yvonne Sanborn as soon as possible and since she was planning to attend the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois, which would last three years, I decided to take my four years of study at the University of Michigan in three years so we could begin our 71 years of marriage together as soon as possible. So I was a student at the University of Michigan for 3 years, during the Fall, Spring, and Summer from 1945 to 1948 and was married to Yvonne on August, 27, 1948. After our marriage, we drove down to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor together.
B. Why Did I Change My Major?
When I went to this University, I was intending to train to be a medical doctor. This changed, however. I was walking along the main street on the University’s campus when I noticed a woman whoas having trouble with her car. She was out in front of the car with the hood up. All of a sudden, the car started to move forward, pushing her to the ground, causing her to bleed profusely. I was now only a freshmen in the University and only 16 or 17 years of age. Since I was training to become a Medical Doctor, I would have to deal with various kinds of accidents, many of which would deal with such profuse bleeding. It made me afraid of that kind of a future. In fact, I couldn’t sleep very well for several nights. The change came when I accepted the call of the Lord to prepare to become a full-time servant of the Lord Jesus Christ instead of becoming a medical doctor.
C. What Had To Be Changed Because of This Decision?
I needed to change my courses from the preparation for medical school to the preparation for a Theological Seminary. The Chef at the University hospital, Mr. David McRoberts, took me and several other students to attend Dr. M. R. DeHaan’s Friday night Bible Classes in the book of Hebrews at Detroit, Michigan. These classes re-enforced my call to prepare to be a Biblical Pastor. I asked Dr. DeHaan what seminary he would recommend that I should attend to best prepare me to be a Bible-trained Pastor. At that time, he would recommend Dallas Theological Seminary where Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer was the Founder and President. So I applied to that school and began attending. When I told my father, (who was a very prosperous Chemical Engineer) of my change in future plans, he had just one comment: “From pennies to peanuts in just one generation!!” He could have stopped providing for this very expensive four years in three, but he didn't. He never fought with me over this choice, but continued to help his only son to prepare for that to which he had been called by the Lord. In fact, when our Baptist pastor visited Dad in the hospital, near his death, he told him the gospel, and Dad accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. He told that to me when the pastor left his room. So Dad received something that "pennies" cannot buy.
IV. Attending Dallas Theological Seminary.
After our marriage, August 27, 1948, my wife and I drove down to Dallas, Texas in September of 1948 in a car that my Dad graciously provided for us. Dad also gave us a beautiful brand-new 26-foot house-trailer where we lived while in Dallas. During the first four years, I studied two years of Hebrew and four years of Greek. I completed. my Master of Theology Degree (Th.M.) with a major in New Testament Greek. The only Greek taught and defended at Dallas Seminary was the false Gnostic text of Bishop Westcott and Professor Hort. During the next two years, I completed the residence for my Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) Degree with a major in English Bible when my doctoral dissertation was completed.
A. while At Dallas, I was asked to be a pastor at a small Spanish Baptist Church in Dallas
The preparation in learning Spanish was very useful in being a Spanish pastor in this small church under the First Baptist Church of Dallas.
Spanish for many school years.
I had taken two years of Spanish in High School, and another two years at the University of Michigan. Years later, I used this Spanish when asked by airplane attendant if there was anyone in the plane they had hijacked and headed for Cuba could speak Spanish. I voluntered, and communicated with the passengers on what was going to happen. They were going to take the people they wanted and would be sending all the rest of us back to the U.S.A.
B. My Working At A Factory At A Large Machine.
This helped with various expenses while going to Dallas Seminary. I worked at a large machine that made steel equipment for cotton gins. I could memorize my Greek materials while watching this huge machine.
V. Getting My Master’s Degree (M.A.) In Speech
While completing my Doctor of Theology dissertation, we lived for several years in our trailer at Dallas Seminary. While there, I attended
Southern Methodist University In Dallas. I completed my Master of Arts (M.A.) in Speech. Our first two children, Don, Jr. and Dave were born here in Dallas.
VI. We Then Moved To Purdue University In Lafayette, Indiana.
I began working on my Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in speech. Purdue University hired me as a full time Graduate Teaching-Assistant In Speech. As I worked on my Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in speech, I taught first year classes in Speech. This worked out well for us, because I was paid for teaching, but did not have to pay any college tuition while I worked on my degree. Here are names of our other three children. Dick was born in Ohio. Dianne was born in Florida, and Dan was born in New Jersey.
VII. I Joined The U. S. Navy As A Navy Chaplain.
Since I graduated first in my Chaplain’s class, they gave me the choice of my first duty station. Since both my wife’s and my parents were both living in Florida, I chose the Marine Corps Air Station located at Opalocka, Florida. That was fine, while I was there, but was transferred from Florida soon.
A. I wanted to serve my country, so I joined the Navy.
I went to Chaplain’s School. Since I graduated first in my class, I was given my choice of my first duty station to begin with. I served the Lord as Navy Chaplain at the Marine Corps Air Station, OpaLocka, Florida, near Miami. Both my parents and my wife's parents lived in Florida at that time. After a few months of Chaplains service in Florida, I was given orders to go for Chaplain duty with the land-based Marines overseas in Okinawa. I was in service there for 10 months without my family who remained in the Miami area.
B . Completing My Naval Chaplaincy Service.
I completed my Navy Chaplain’s ministry service at the Marine Corps Air Station preaching at the Chapel and ministering to the marines and naval personnel. The senior chaplain didn't my senior Chaplain didn't like my Bible-centered preaching, so I began services in another place. They drew many navy people, even more than came to the regular services. The senior chaplain saw what was happening and wanted to have other Chaplains taking part. But. since I didn't want apostates being a part of these services, I quit this program.
VIII. Teaching Greek And Speech At Shelton College, Cape May, New Jersey
A. Every Tuesday And Thursday, I Taught At This Small School.
This small school, organized and run by Dr. Carl McIntire, was about 90 miles from my Collingswood home. I drove from Collingswood to Cape May each week to teach these classes.
B. It Was While Teaching Greek At Shelton College That I First Heard Of False and True New Testament Greek Words.
I first learned at this school the Refutation Of The False Westcott and Hort Greek New Testament text that Underlies Nearly All Modern New Testaments. It was one of the normal Greek classes at Shelton College. During the class, one of my lady students, named Sandra Phillips, raised her hand. I said, She said:
“Dr. Waite, I was visiting Princeton University the other day, and found some books written by Dean John William Burgon that refuted the Greek Text that underlies the Revised Version New Testament and many other New Testament modern Bible versions.”
I thanked Sandy for telling me about this. I had never heard about this before. I was interested
very much to learn more about this subject.
IX. My Trip To Princeton University Seminary, In
Princeton, New Jersey
A. I left for Princeton as soon as I could in order to see Dean
Burgon’a five books that Sandy Phillips had told me about.
When I arrived at the Seminary Library, I found all five books written by Dean John William Burgon:
(1) The Revision Revised
(2) The Last Twelve Verses of Mark
(3) The Traditional Text Of The Holy Gospels Vindicated
(4) The Causes of Corruption of the Traditional Text;
(5) Inspiration And Interpretation Of The Bible
I asked the Librarian if I check out all five books and take them home to Collingswood, New Jersey. He said that I could take them out all right.
B. When I got home to Collingswood, I examined Burgon’s five books.
I could see how valuable and scholarly they were to take them home, and see how they could be used in this battle for the true Bible. I examined all five of the books. I found them unique, scholarly, and useful to others as well. So I copied them on my copy machine and printed them out so that others might be able to defend the Traditional the Greek Words underlying the King James Bible. Dean Burgon stood firmly against Bishop Westcott and Professor Hort in all their doctrinal changes they believed in. He was chastised for it because he was firm in standing in favor the Traditional Greek text that underlies the King James Bible rather than the error-filled Westcott and Hort false words they had introduced into the Greek that underlies the Revised Version and many other modern Bible versions.
C. When I Looked in my voluminous BFT Catalog, I Found 40 Articles By Or About Dean John William Burgon. Among the 40 titles there were not only articles that I had written about Dean Burgon, but there were also many audio tapes about him that I or others had spoken about him and his writings over the radio on many occasions. These are all listed on Page 1 of our 89-page Bible For Today Catalog. If you wish to see this page 1 of my 89-page catalog of materials and I will fax it to you.
D. To Make These Books Available To Those Who Wanted Them, I Copied Them On My Copy Machine And Bound Them.
I checked out Burgon’s five books, made copies of all of them. Since they were all out of print and are needed so much, the Bible For Today had them printed them in book form so all could buy them, read them, and see the excellent refutation of Westcott and Hort’s serious errors regarding their changes in the
Greek Words underlying the King James Bible.
X. Recognizing The Need For The Defense Of, And The Integrity Of, The King James Bible,snd its underlying Greek Words, We Had These
Five Books Commercially Printed.
A. Here Are The Details On The Printed Cost, To Buy And Other Matters Of Each Of These Valuable Books By Dean John William Burgon.
(1) The Revision Revised;
BFT#611; 640pp;$25.00+Ship
(2) The Last Twelve Verses of Mark;
(3) The Traditional Text Of The Holy Gospels Vindicated;
(4) The Causes of Corruption of the Traditional Text;
(5) Inspiration And Interpretation Of The Bible
B. Here’s how to order.
Write The Bible For Today
900 Park Avenue
Collingswood, NJ 08108
Send Cash, Give Us Your Your Credit Card Number Or Make Your Check Out To:
The Bible For Today Baptist Church
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Call In Your Order
XI. Conclusion
For over 21 years, as Pastor of the Bible For Today Baptist Church in Collingswod, New Jersey, and as the President of the Dean Burgon Society from its founding, I have stood firmly in defense of the King James Bible and its underlying Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Words.
This brief background paper has been a very brief summary of how the Lord prepared and led me through this battle for His Name and His Words. He has given me the strength, understanding and courage to fight for the King James Bible and its underlying Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words, even surrounded by the thousands who live by strong opposition to my position and have never genuinely taken the time, on this vitally and eternally important Heavenly issue even to look into it. I, for one, have been taught the erroneous views on the Bible all my 93-years of life, so I have made it one of my goals to search out, with God’s help and guidance, the truth of this vitally important and eternal matter. God has helped me in it and I thank Him for it.
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